Sixty Young Azerbaijanis Graduate from The Technion Cybersecurity Center in Baku

BAKU, Azerbaijan, 24/7/23– In a remarkable achievement that signifies a new chapter in Azerbaijan's cybersecurity landscape, sixty young Azerbaijanis have graduated from The Technion Cybersecurity Center. This extraordinary milestone was celebrated in a grand ceremony in Baku, where CYBERPRO Global and Cywareness were proud to have played integral roles in this ambitious project.

CYBERPRO Global extends heartfelt congratulations to the graduates and expresses gratitude to everyone who contributed to this success, especially Cywareness, which actively participated in the cybersecurity training. The collaboration between CYBERPRO Global, Cywareness, and other partners has been instrumental in nurturing the next generation of cybersecurity leaders in Azerbaijan.

"We are thrilled to see these graduates take their first steps into the cyber world. Their growth and development have been inspiring to witness, and we are confident that they will become Azerbaijan's cybersecurity leaders of tomorrow," said a spokesperson from CYBERPRO Global.

The Technion Cybersecurity Center's rigorous training program, coupled with hands-on experience provided by industry experts, has equipped the graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity.

This graduation not only marks the success of the Class of 2023 but also symbolizes a promising future for cybersecurity in Azerbaijan. The collaboration between educational institutions, industry leaders like CYBERPRO Global and Cywareness, and dedicated individuals like Shahar Goldenberg is a testament to the commitment towards building a secure and resilient cyber environment.